National Study of Youth and Religion / Barna PRE-Survey  Fall 2024  Johnson U    
National Study of Youth & Religion  <>
Barna Report on Evangelism (Sharing Faith)   <>

I am working on a research project to learn more about the religious beliefs and practices of young adults in America,  with a particular interest in Christian Muslim relations.  Your willingness to complete this survey will be a great help to my research.  

The questionnaire includes different types of questions.  Please follow the instructions for each section and read each question carefully.  Thank you for helping with this project by completing the survey.

Questions about Faith & Religious Beliefs

1. How important is faith in your daily life?

2. How close do you feel to God?

3. Which of the following comes closest to your belief about religion and faith?

4. Is it okay for religious people to try to convert other people to their faith, or should everyone leave others alone?

5. Which of the following comes closest to your beliefs about who goes to heaven?

6. It is okay to pick and choose religious beliefs without having to accept the teachings of a faith as a whole.

7. For believers to be truly religious and spiritual, they need to be involved in a church or faith community.

8. Salvation is through Christ alone; there is no salvation in non-Christian religions.

9. Devout and committed people of all religions will go to heaven.

10. Great leaders of history, like Ghandi, who respected Jesus but did not identify as Christian will go to heaven.

11. Those who desire salvation and life in heaven must confess their sins and commit their lives to Jesus.

12. Those who are morally good and faithfully follow the truth they know will make it to heaven.

13. Salvation is dependent upon the work of Jesus; however, there may be good people who never personally acknowledged Jesus as savior who make it to heaven.

Religious Practices & Activities  

In the last year I have:

14. attended church

15. taken time for regular prayer

16. read the Bible on my own

In the last year I have:

17. practiced religious or spiritual meditation other than prayer

18. fasted or denied myself something as a spiritual discipline

19. read a devotional or spiritual book other than the Bible

20. talked about my faith with a non-Christian

In the last year have you:

21. experienced a definite answer to prayer or specific guidance from God?

22. witnessed or experienced what you believe was a miracle from God?

23. attended a religious retreat or conference?

24. gone on a missions trip or religious service project?

25. experienced serious doubts about your faith?

Barna - Views on Sharing Faith & Social Issues

26. Part of my faith means being a witness about Jesus.

27. When someone raises questions about faith, I know how to respond.

28. It is wrong to share one’s personal faith with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith (convert to your faith).

29. If someone disagrees with you, it means they are judging you.

30. Conservative Christians in America need to have a greater focus on social justice issues. i.e.. racism, refugees, poverty, etc…

31. If Christians have the opportunity to participate in Interfaith dialogue with Muslims what should be the primary purpose?

32. How should churches respond to LGBT gender identity issues?

Demographic Information
Thank you for answering the previous questions.  This last section will help me learn more about you.

33. Gender

34. Age

35. Size of your town/city

36. My High School was diverse (racially and/or ethnically).

37. Do you have any Muslim friends?

38. Voting Preference:

39. My family is actively involved in church

40. I am a first-generation college student

41. I choose to attend Johnson because I want to prepare for full time vocational ministry (i.e. church work, missions, campus ministry, faith-based non-profits, etc..).